Conversations imPRINTING the Wernicke’s Area
This telephone, plugged into Beatie Wolfe’s ‘thinking-cap’, allows you to listen to the brain’s Conversation Channel imprinted in the Wernicke’s area and encoded in glass to be preserved for 10,000 years
Conversations include
Aaron Rose, Allee Willis, Brian Eno, Fred Armisen, Henry Rollins, Laraaji, L. Frank, Lesley Chilcott, Linda Fleming, Linda Perry, Mark Mothersbaugh, Dr Melissa Neuman, Money Mark, Queen Cora, Rick Carter, Sarah Finn, Sara Sidner, Shirley Manson, Stephen Pavlovic, Timothy Morton, V. Vale
Topics include
Art, Ancestry, Change, Courage, Creativity, Death, DIY, Ecology, Ego, Energy, Equality, Feelings, Freedom, Ideas, Intuition, Joy, Life, Love, Originality, Our Planet, Play, Power, Presence, Purpose, Simplicity, Truth
Wernicke’s area resides in the cortex of the left cerebral hemisphere